Friday, October 22, 2010

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act First Changes

By now you are surely familiar with PPACA, better known as Health Care Reform. The first regulations officially went into effect last Thursday, September 23, 2010- exactly six months after President Obama signed the law. Most carriers have already complied with many of the regulations. And changes are required when your plan renews. But wait! The Department of labor just announced a grace period up to July 2011.

So what are the changes?

-Children are covered to age 26 regardless of marital status

-Pre-existing exclusions removed for enrollees under age 19

-100% coverage of preventive services

-Annual/Lifetime limits removed for essential benefits

-Emergency service charges must match in or out of network

-Grievance and appeal processes are improved

-Grandfathered plans are exempt from some of these regulations

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